Want to make your home in South Central Pennsylvania more energy efficient? Whether you’re looking for money saving tips, want to learn more about the benefits of insulation, or have questions about indoor air quality, you’ve come to the right place! Energy Smart has the answers you’re looking for.

October 27, 2017
If you really want to lower your heating bills this winter, consider making these improvements before the heating season is in full swing.
September 29, 2017
With proper high-performance insulation, during the winter, the inside of your home stays warm and toasty while during the summer, you’re left feeling cool and comfortable.
Condensation on a Home's Window due to High Humidity
September 6, 2017
Humid Carlisle, PA weather can create indoor air quality problems in your home. Improve home health with the local experts at Energy Smart Home Improvement!
July 17, 2017
Are you struggling to keep your home at the right temperature? Get an energy audit, save money and increase comfort by fixing the problems for good!
Cool off all floors of your home with help from Energy Smart Home Improvement!
June 22, 2017
Summer’s here! Is the upstairs floor in your home boiling? There may be many reasons as to why your upstairs is so hot.
Second Floor
June 22, 2017
Is your second floor too hot? Our experts can help you solve this problem for good so you can be comfortable this summer.
Spring DIY List Preview
May 25, 2017
Upgrade your Carlisle, PA area home's efficiency and comfort this Spring with these easy DIY home tips from the team at Energy Smart Home Improvement.
Energy Smart Home Improvement, Mold on window, PA
April 14, 2017
Homeowners in Carlisle and the surrounding area are rejoicing over the fact that winter has finally come to an end. The double-edged sword of spring, however, is that issues such as allergies and asthma can be heavily exacerbated by the seasonal shift. Many people are already finding themselves... Read more
spring home street view
March 27, 2017
As the days get longer and progressively warmer, you might be feeling the need to do some things around the house. Whether that simply means putting away the heavy boots and coats or something more along the lines of starting a new gardening project — it seems that every homeowner in the greater... Read more
dandelion spurs spring allergies concept
April 5, 2017
For many homeowners in and around Carlisle, PA, the coming of spring is a time to rejoice and start getting outside again. Others, however, tend to associate the spring months will nonstop headaches, sneezing and stuffy noses.



  • Amelia M. ,

    The men were very kind and did a great job explaining the job if I had questions. We were very pleased!