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I opened Energy Smart in 2007. Since day 1, I have been committed to following strict industry guidelines. My personal background is exclusively in building sciences, including 9 years working in research and development for a Fortune 500 building manufacturer, manufacturer rep positions for national building product manufacturers, as well as field experience in the local building industry. To support industry knowledge and expertise, our team maintains a variety of certifications, including:
- BPI – Building Performance Institute: Building Analyst Professional, Building Envelope Professional, Residential Proctor
- NE HERS – Northeast Home Energy Rating Systems
- PHRC – Pennsylvania Housing Research Council: Industry Advisory Board Member
Additionally, we are members of PA Home Energy energy providers' network, NAHB (National Association of Home Builders), and the Harrisburg Builders Association. We are approved contractors with KeystoneHELP, the FirstEnergy Whole House Program, and PPL Electric Utilities Home Comfort Program.
I'm a former sprint car racer and still enjoy the races whenever I can. Other times, my sons and I visit go-kart tracks or spectate at one sporting event or another. While home (and if I'm not making music), I can probably be found enjoying time with my family as much as possible. When weather allows, I sneak in a round of golf, but then it's back to work!