Many Carlisle, York, or Harrisburg, Pennsylvania homeowners find themselves wondering what the most important home upgrade they can make is if given the choice. While there are a number of valuable home upgrades that can enhance energy efficiency and home performance across the board, nothing compares to the effectiveness of insulation. When combined with air sealing, high-performance spray foam or cellulose insulation can come along with immensely beneficial effects that can keep you and your family comfortable throughout the entire year.

Why Insulation?

Insulation is commonly thought of as a solution for keeping the cold weather of winter at bay. While it does play a major role in indoor comfort during the winter months, it's just as effective when the summer weather arrives. This is because insulation keeps conditioned inside air from escaping easily the way it can in homes that aren't insulated properly.

With as many as 90% of U.S. homes lacking the proper amount of insulation, it's no secret that this problem extends to homeowners everywhere. The solution can be found in installing high-performance insulation, and Energy Smart Home Improvement can help.

High-performance cellulose insulation

There are a variety of different types of insulation on the market, many of which have their purposes and can be effective when properly employed. At Energy Smart Home Improvement, we believe that blown-in cellulose insulation is one of the most effective options available. It's simply a better insulating material than fiberglass and can even act as a fungicide and pesticide to help keep unwanted mold growth and insects at bay. Cellulose also acts as a buffer against noise, and eco-conscious homeowners love the fact that it's made out of recycled materials.

Installing high-performance cellulose insulation in key areas like the attic and sidewalls can come along with a number of benefits, including:

  • More stable indoor temperatures

  • No more drafts

  • Enhanced home comfort

  • Better indoor air quality

  • Reduced noise / increased privacy

Insulation is truly the key to home performance, and the team at Energy Smart Home Improvement is here to show you just how much of a difference it can make.



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  • Mr. and Mrs. Randal Rhoades,

    We just wanted to thank you and your team for your recent service. We opted for "the works" – Soffit Baffles, Attic Air Sealing and Attic Insulating. Your field workers completed all of the work in about 3.5 hours; much sooner than anticipated by us. They were even kind enough to take a few "before-and-after" pictures that I could share with my wife when she returned from work.
    The results exceeded our expectations! The insulation in our attic was sparce; you rated the R value as 5! Now it's up to code at around R-48. We were told that the results of the Attic Air Sealing produced a change of 24% less air leakage – a very significant improvement. The combine results of your work have resulted in an even temperature in every room of our home - about 70°. We have yet to turn on our furnace since your field workers left!
    We also appreciate how quickly you began to process our PP&L rebate. Within two days after our service was completed we received a confirmation from PP&L that the rebate was being processed. Considering the benefits we are already receiving plus the additional rebate, we think your service was very fairly priced and anticipate seeing long-term benefits from this home improvement.
    Thank you and all of your team for a job well-done!